Since the age of twenty, the seeds of writing have been germinating on my forehead’s furrows, dampened by the ink that keeps texts sprouting and yielding paper’s harvest. At the core, most writers are story-tellers writing for others; I write for myself primarily as a way to keep rowing through life’s waters. Ever since I discovered the pleasures of writing, I have been writing as a way to understand my existence in relation to other beings and to this world.
This website is merely an attempt to share some of what keeps impacting me and some of what I have observed over the years, including the experiences that have forged me as the living creature that I am today. It also includes other hobbies and occupations, which have derived from writing, hobbies like music, photography, and letterpress printing.
I write prose and poetry on themes related to my experience, including migration, biculturalism, music and language, as well as urbanism and nature among other themes. Much of what I write, sing, print or photograph deals with Mexican and USA cultures, and my observations are salient obsessions about the concepts, interpretations, actions and opinions on or about these two rubbing cultures.